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The Journey Begins

Welcome back, readers. As I begin my business, I am writing down some thoughts and progress to help with anxiety and ideas. Read along to see how it has been going for me while building my brand.

Blogging my process

Entry #2 (Jan 18 2022)

Well the journey has begun! After my previous entry, I put in my notice at my office job and things started rolling! I had hit my breaking point and even though I was not established as a business yet, I had decided I needed the push to follow through on this new endeavor. As well as knowing I could never focus on getting this business going if I was constantly burnt out from my daily 9-6. After leaving that position, I quickly finished my online course reading and scheduled time to talk with an advisor.

As it was so close to the holidays (mid-December) I took the time to really recharge and prepare, without pressuring myself to “be working” until the new year. But I did set that deadline, I wanted to be IN homes doing the work in January, however I needed to accomplish that. Very luckily I have people in my life who trust me and have utilized my services already.

For two weeks in December I collected as much advice as I could from those around me who have been through this journey before: the faculty member from my course was an especially helpful source. I held business meetings over dinner (and kept the receipts! For tax purposes of course) and took copious notes and absorbed as much knowledge as I could about putting myself out there as a business. Not everything would necessarily work for me, as not everything is right for any individual person, and some notes I set aside as things to try once I am established as a business. The one thing I can say for certain is I appreciate every bit of wisdom I have been lucky enough to receive.

Starting a business has been insanely busy and stressful, but I will adamantly say that every moment is worth it. The stress is not the kind that makes you want to cry, it makes you want to push harder. You just know what you’re working toward is exactly what you want. I know that every moment I spend on my business holds no regrets. Even if in the long run this does not work out (worst case scenario that obviously we don’t expect!) I will be proud and happy of the chance I took and the work I put in.

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